Chris Hodges
Helping Leaders Succeed
with Intelligent Automation

Watch Chris in Action
Chris is an exciting, inspiring and energetic speaker in small or large groups – He’ll guarantee your group will put their phones down from beginning to end and take away actions and inspiration.
Customized Keynotes – Customized for you leveraging proven themes
Chris will deliver a keynote program tailored to your audience and your organization. He has engaged, entertained and educated audiences around the world.
What program would best help you succeed?

Noble Automation Now!
Noble Automation means freeing people to be more human by removing drudgery, providing insights, and allowing us the time and energy to feel, think, empathize and connect. It means putting the full value of human ingenuity to work.
Chris interlaces examples from his time in Japan, the US and Europe as well as lessons from a variety of industries and cultures.
He uses stories ranging from Frank Lloyd Wright, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Costco, McDonalds, dancing to meditating. Chris draws out the inspirational possibility for all of us from fiction to reality.
He connects principles of good business design with those of good buildings, high performing teams and inspirational and loyalty creating leaders.

Helping Humans Be Heroes
Few companies consistently out maneuver their competition, even fewer do so over the long haul. Yet you can, you should and you will if you make heroes out of employees.
When challenges become a “call to adventure” and difficult change becomes as a “hero’s journey”, success, loyalty and reward soon follow.

Relationships Are The Secret Weapon
Technology may be the rocket ship but the fuel is relationships. Chris shares specifics on the power of relationships for 30 years in multiple industries, countries, and companies. The behaviors are learnable, potent and fulfilling.

How Bored People Become Excited Innovators
Everyone wants to be innovative they just don’t wanted to innovated out of a job. Bored people become excited innovators when we recognize the unique ways they solve problems.
When we carefully combine different skills and approaches and ignite the mix with enthusiasm, we create the magic that is break through innovation.

Placing Stones: Doing and Having What Matters Most
Success comes from choosing both what you do and do not do.
Legendary success comes from loving what you do, learning your craft, leveraging cooperation and making you own luck. Their are tools to help you do all four
You can have anything you want just not all at the same time. Placing Stones is the metaphor for defining and achieving what matters most- for YOU.
Placing Stones is the only reliable path to simultaneous exceptional performance and happiness. The freshly presented principles are ancient and timeless.
Additional Services
Your event is an important opportunity to get out the messaes you want delivered and create the buzz and emotion necessary to succeed. Chris can help your team shine and you can save money by putting him to work twice.
Leadership Keynote Coaching
Chris can help prepare your leaders to give the talk that everyone remembers. He will work with your leader to create and deliver a memorable talk which will motivate and engage the entire team.
Master or Ceremonies / Awards Presentation
If your event needs an engaging Master of Ceremonies and you would like this role filled by a presentation pro, Chris can help make your event interesting, exciting and all about the audience.
His former life as a Naval Officer will help him keep your event on schedule and plan. He will keep the focus on your speakers and your team.
Interviewer / Panel Moderator
Would you like to have one or more of your executives interviewed on stage by a professional? Chris will help your leaders express themselves in the most positive light. He will help bring out the key points your company needs to hear and your leaders want to say.
Some leaders shine brightest when they have the opportunity to answer questions. Chris can help.

Sample Organizations and Countries
Northstar Meetings Group
General Electric
Danske Bank
Quaker Foods
US Department of the Navy
And more….
United States
United Kingdom
South Africa
South Korea