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Updated: Oct 18, 2021

What is Noble Automation and how does it differ from Intelligent Automation?

Noble Automation a description of how automation and AI can be implemented and how doing so serves all the leaders stakeholders.

This video provides a quick overview of the seven essential steps and components to achieving Noble Automation.

The last question is "Why bother?". The reasons and many and they start with success for the leader willing to use this approach and spread to the overall business. Noble Automation produces more innovation, motivation and results in a competitive and disrupted business world.

All idea are covered in more detail in the book 'Noble Automation Now' - Publish date November 2021. Author - Christopher W. Hodges

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Updated: Oct 18, 2021

Intelligent Automation is the basket of tools required to automate work in a way that complements human activity and provides added value to the business. The term Intelligent comes from what appears to be machines doing some form of thinking. The reality is more complicated and includes automations that follow simple rules and those that apply machine learning.

Intelligent Automation is the technology side of Noble Automation. Noble Automation is how leaders can apply these tools to serve all stakeholders. See the video on "What is Noble Automation" for more details.

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